Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blind of Ear

Blind of Ear

I hear you out there
I hear you in there
I hear you all over
I hear you in everything my ears are for
I speak of you kindly
Even though you can be cruel
Even though we don’t add up
I avoid others
I avoid myself
I avoid the waking world
I avoid the speeches of negativity
The rhetoric
The hypothetical
I’ve never seen better lips
What comes out of them hurts sometimes
What comes out of them kills sometimes
Your hands
Have another way with words
They can be pretty cruel too
I’ve been with you because you are real
I think
For now… a break… not for good
For now my bedtime on anyday is my Friday
I welcome a day of hard labour
It keeps me from hearing how much I miss you.

- Bran.

1 comment:

  1. I linked to you from my blog roll hoping that my friends could have the pleasure of reading your work. Hope thats OK :)


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