Friday, November 5, 2010

It Must Be

You are the one in the music
The music that follows me around
The heart ache, the soul break
They speak of you
All the time
You’re playing the game
Because of you
Blaming me. Everything on me.
Your ghost
You’re a ghost that’s alive and follows me around
Through the radio, the tv, the newspapers
Every point of light and dark makes me think you’re still in me
Part of me
I’m kidding myself
‘Cause you’re gone
and won’t be back
You and they against my inner wall
Pointing in my direction
Everything apples
It was just you
It must just be you and me


  1. I'll try to put something that is ugly and happy up next!;)

  2. Yep. I'll be workin' on finding or writing something that is completely ugly and happy. Thanks for the inspiration!


Feel free to say watcha want. Leave a little note for me to get back at you somehow. As quickly as I can. Try to make your comment as interesting and more exciting than my entry. Cheers!!!