Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blades Of Grass

Blades Of Grass

Like sword that cuts through The Pain
Wings so delicate yet Unbreakable
Eyes pierce the wicked and shoot light into lost souls
Narrow minds opened by a simple innate goodness
Tragic loss transormed into resilient knowledge
Deep unhealed scars seen only by perception
Deep healed wounds examined by metaphysical invisible faith healers
Passage of understanding granted not by passing tests but by gaining points
Through deconstruction of lies
Building architectural monoliths out of dust and tears and blood and sand
Perception changed in seeing through the intentions of dark demons
Examining their tangible universal worth
Wordy cryptic psalms reached to the masses to corrupt and disspell the truth in understanding
That Love is a true encounter of the third kind and is a message that cannot be lost
A message where there is no bargaining about wealth and no ransom is needed to save
Blades of grass that cut deeper than the greatest of Samurai

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