Friday, June 25, 2010

My Shot.

Today has been kinda funny in a weird way.
Normally my Friday is about getting my shot. A kind of distemper shot if you will. It's an Anti-Psychotic med that comes in the form of a needle in the butt. It kinda keeps me glued together until I get my next one. Funny, a shot in the butt in order for you to be okay enough to be out in public. Oh well, it works... but today was different. The pharmacy didn't have it on hand. So I guess I have to face stark reality until next week. Feeling a little anxiety ridden right now... I guess it's just the psychosomatic knowledge that I'm without the Rx that I have not yet to miss in over a year... Monday is the day to look forward to that shot in the arse and my parent's are worried and pissed at the pharmacy... I'm not, hey, if the zombie apocalypse happens, the last thing I'd be worried about would be my mental health...err... well maybe that...hmmmmm.
Go Brazil!
I'll keep you posted!

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