Saturday, February 27, 2010

Somewhere Else

Somewhere Else

Not all there
Don’t have to be
Don’t need to be
Prospects are numb and undefined

Letting loose
Shifting the patterns
Making, forcing things to work
Just for you
If you are ruthless, do it with grace
Do it without being vicious
Rule with kindness, crush with love
Way more powerful than material weapons
Weapons without bullets
Bombs that only detonate as a new understanding
An understanding that
sometimes, some times somewhere has a thought
Keeps you way ahead of the game
Keeps you way ahead of the game
No matter what is said about you. Your way.
It works for you,
it works very well
Its just the others that may not see
They don’t hold the balance of power although they may put on that poker face.
- Bran.

1 comment:

Feel free to say watcha want. Leave a little note for me to get back at you somehow. As quickly as I can. Try to make your comment as interesting and more exciting than my entry. Cheers!!!