Monday, October 4, 2010

Slip on Rocks

You slip.
Never destined to keep your footing.
Now you just look for cheaper ways to fall further.
Nothing really helps,
Nothing simply breaks your fall.
You look under boulders for unturned ideas.
You never wanted it to be as rough as this.
You might as well make it worse,
Or just harder.
Harder and deeper lets you cherish the moments of bliss all that much more
Or at least you try to think that way.
Masochism at least gives you some control.
It clarifies that you're fit for your job,
If you find it, you'll lose it,
It doesn't matter anyway.
When you find it, it'll be gone soon.
Helps you accept it ,
Helps you cherish it,
Helps ease you into the inevitable.
Makes you listen,
Forces a grin,
Lets you see that perfection is in the moment.
You need not expect more.
If you do you're just setting yourself up for more disasters.
The Real Truth is that when the curtain falls,
That perfection you once felt if only for a moment
Lasts Forever.

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